Is 2020 the Year of Covid or the Year of the Lord?

Thechurchcodaniel   -  

What a year 2020 has been! It has affected the lives of us all and so many things have changed – some permanently. I have found, for the first time since 1992, that I am unable to travel. This has taken some considerable adjustment to how I do things, but I am now beginning to see some daylight as the use of video-conferencing is making its mark on my own life and those I am working with.


Although we have all had the technology for some years, it now seems that we have re-discovered it and how effectively it can be used. Zoom is a major tool for me – but other avenues and social media formats have also been good. As a result, I am still teaching, writing, attending meetings and spending time with all our International partners and friends, by way of technology. In fact, if anything I have been getting busier and the team at SRT are the same.


I want to assure all our wonderful supporters that I and our team are, working diligently with the folk in Asia, Madagascar, Australasia and the U.S. in order to keep the work alive that we have all invested so much in.


This brings me to the great question above. Is 2020 the year of Covid or the Year of the Lord? I have chosen to make it the latter.


The biggest virus from the enemy is not COVID 19 – it is the end times virus or mistaken Christian Worldview, that seeks to disempower us from fulfilling our assignment. Fear reigns everywhere right now, including, or even especially, in the body of Christ. What does fear bring – it brings paralysis. For those of you who have read my book entitled “Eternity Begins Now” you will find a story in there from Mark 4:35-41. Take a moment to read this passage.


In brief, it is about the disciples who are crossing the sea to Gerasene with Jesus and a terrible storm surfaces – let’s call it Covid 19 – and Jesus is fast asleep in the boat without a care in the world. They awake Him in terrible fear. After the Lord calmed the storm, He told them off. Why? Because He had previously told them they were going to Gerasene’s. The plans had not changed, despite the storm.


My Point

God has not cancelled His promises for us in 2020 just because a Covid storm has surfaced. I believe that what looks like something that is going to destroy us will be something that will catapult us to the other side – beyond the storm. The Lord causes all things to work together for good. Don’t throw your direction and strategy away for this year and beyond. Covid is only a storm. Hang onto what God said to you or to us and expect it to happen. In Mark 4 we see that Satan did everything He could to prevent the disciples from coming into what he viewed as his territory. But the fact is it is not his territory; it all belongs to God. Jesus rebuked the storm knowing it had been caused by Satan and carried on with His mission. We need to do the same.


2020 has included a rough storm in its wake, but we have persevered and have been able to produce much fruit. Stay with us on this journey. There are great rewards for God’s glory in it.


God bless you.

Bruce Billington