Asia Pacific Intensive

April 2022

Welcome to the Strategic Resource Training 2022 April Intensive. What a joy it was have this special, set-apart time to fellowship with you as we share stories, unpackage teaching, respond to the call and pray together.

This was a life changing weekend and something significant was birthed in the Spirit – a connection and call to transfer whatever we can to the next generation of spiritual and physical sons and daughters.

We started the intensive with a fantastic message from Dennis Peacock with a powerful opening theme – “We can not be held accountable for what we have not seen demonstrated” – we must accept our past wrong doings and walk forward with a sense of purpose and destiny.

Gerald then took us through some very clear teaching about – “what is the good news…. The Kingdom of God is amongst us. And who could forget his graph depicting the historic journey with the understanding of the “Kingdom of God” and how vital it is that we cherish and transfer our understanding to our family, churches, cities and nations.

Bruce then led us into understanding of some critical biblical texts from Genesis, Psalms, Malachi and Ezra demonstrating how God’s plan for generational transfer is central to His Will and Ways. These sessions were filled with practical applications and personal testimony which gave us all a much deeper appreciation for how God has worked in the Billington household.

Carl concluded the event with a deeply personal share of his life, how theology matters, how we protect our children from harm but not isolate them and how we are to demonstrate both the restraint and freedom we enjoy being in God’s Kingdom.

If you would like to purchase a copy of these materials, which include, audio files, video files and speaker notes, please email us at