GoBusiness Leadership School

GoBusiness Leadership School

GoBusiness began in 1996 with the mission of training businesspersons how to build businesses God’s way. The school is a two-year correspondence course based on the biblical principles of economics and business practice, and on the inherent concept that deeper learning follows effective service to others. It provides a sharply defined perspective on how biblical truth impacts marketplace thinking and practice and produces transformation in participants’ lives and businesses.

Results of the Business Leadership School:

Vision: A sharply defined perspective for how biblical truth impacts marketplace thinking and practice.

Foundations: Critical ideas that are foundational to a trajectory toward manifesting God’s kingdom in the marketplace.

Connection: A process that helps to connect participants with other resources in a larger context fostering change and
bringing transformation to one’s personal life, family, business, and community.

Facilitation: A trained facilitator who provides a level of direction to participants, encouraging and helping them to
examine their thoughts, attitudes, and practices in light of the principles presented in the course.


For more information on this school please contact us at admin@strategicresourcetraining.com