The Call of God

by Bruce Billington

4-Part Audio Series and Booklet

Over the last few years, the issue of destiny has become popular to the world at large, and creates much interest amongst the younger generation.

The Webster dictionary defines destiny as – “a design or purpose” and “a course of life.”

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

Life has a plan and purpose. We discover our destiny by going first to God to discover His, and then finding ours as we join the Christian community. Outside of God and community, destiny is selfish and has no purpose – which makes it contrary to the nature and character of Christ.

Join us as we work through embracing the call of God in your life.


To purchase a copy of these materials, which include 5 audio files, session notes and facilitators manual, please contact us at